
Local news is more than just a trusted source of critical information; it’s an essential ingredient in a healthy democracy. An abundance of research demonstrates that communities with dedicated local news organizations report higher levels of civic engagement, social cohesion and effective problem-solving.

We want to make local news stronger and more sustainable for the future of our state and the fate of our democracy.

For more on the relationship between local news and strong democratic practices, check out: UNC Hussman School of Journalism & Media, Pew Research Center, Nieman Lab, Local News Lab,

Want to publish Community News Service stories in your paper or on your media site? Contact Justin Trombly at jtrombly@uvm.edu to discuss a partnership with us.

A project of the University of Vermont’s Reporting & Documentary Storytelling program.

The Community News Service is a student-powered partnership between the UVM and community newspapers across Vermont. We match student reporters with professional editors to provide critical reporting to trusted sources of local news.

With a focus on hyper-local and local news, the project has two primary goals:

  • To prepare students for futures as ethical journalists and engaged citizens.

  • To provide professional reporting to community newspapers and help support a sustainable future for Vermont news media.

CNS Editor: Justin Trombly

CNS Instructor: Carolyn Shapiro

Director, Center for Research on Vermont:
Richard Watts (Resume)

Check out the full team here

Thanks to our generous donors…

UVM’s College of Arts & Sciences and Office of Engagement, AARP, Gannett Foundation, Lintilhac Foundation, ISNE, Windham Foundation, Scripps-Howard, Pomerleau Real Estate, National Life, Vermont Electric Co-op and the many UVM alumni and friends who so generously support the students. 

Listen to the history of CNS. Produced CNS audio editor Leah Kelleher.